Hello Mamas and welcome to MOPS this year! It was a wonderful meeting this morning getting to see all your faces, some new attendees and those from years past. I loved Melissa's message today and it warmed my heart to think of how we can support one another in this adventure we call "Motherhood". Motherhood is a beautiful calling and what a better way to embrace it than with our theme of "A Fierce Flourishing"; because let's be honest along with the beauty of our role it can also be challenging. As with any facet of our life the choice to look for joy in all circumstances bears the fruit of so many good things; and done together is a true gift.
For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the tress of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
As Melissa shared, each of us is unique and beautiful in our own way; we bring so much value to one another and to our families. I am thrilled to anticipate how we will learn to celebrate lavishly, embrace rest, and notice goodness in each other's company. Here is to a new year and glad to have you here! Till next time Mamas, have a blessed few weeks ~
Some Reminders and Upcoming Events for the Month
- 9/24 ~ NCPC Play Date 10:00-11:30am @NCPC
- 9/19 ~ Afternoon Tea 1:00-3:00pm @Jen's House (for children 5 and up)
- 9/22 ~ Girls Night Out 7:00 Dinner @ Tablas Woodstone Tavern in Mill Creek Town Center
Don't forget to be working on your Placemat Projects and bring them in next meeting!