
Hello! Welcome to the North Creek Presbyterian Church MOPS Blog! A place to share words of encouragement, recipes ideas, book recommendations and more! Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to share on this blog, or any ideas you have! Just email mopsncpc@gmail.com.

Friday, October 26, 2012

November Mom of the Month, Meet Dottie

Dottie is a special mentor mom in our group.  She sits in the front table on the left side of the room.  Her smile and gentle demeanor are not unnoticed, we are thankful to have her in our group.
Here are the questions I asked.  She gave me a paper with her answers in beautiful cursive, I wish you could see her writing!  I hope you enjoy her insight as she is a woman of wisdom, a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

Tell us about yourself:  I have three wonderful children.  My son and his family live in San Diego.  My two daughters and their families live close to me in Washington.  I have two grandsons and two granddaughters and one little great-grandson.  They are all very attentive and good to me.  Lots of love is a good thing.  I had my wonderful husband for fifty-six years. 

What grounds you?  Actually, what grounds me, is being able to talk to my Savior anytime I want.  I know He hears me and I really give Him an earful with my conversational prayer.  I know he hears.  What a comfort.

What are some things you enjoy doing?  I love to dabble in watercolor painting of cards-a few pictures.  I also like to paint bird houses.  I am not allowed on a ladder anymore, so no more painting my bathroom or kitchen.

Looking back and knowing what you know now, what is the best advice you received as a mother?  The best advice given to me was, be sure your children know you are a parent and they are your children.  Always show interest in them and their interests.  Try to remember, God doesn't put a parent on earth to win a popularity contest.  You are their teacher, so teach them well.  Of course, all of this advice should be covered with tons of love, kindness, understanding and forgiveness.  Never leave out patience!

What makes a marriage last?  Never lose your ability to be romantic.  I think that's very important.  Laugh a lot together and be ready to cry together, when the time comes.  Find enjoyment in all you do, with the kids or without them.  These are the memories you will have later.  Listen to each other so you can learn and understand what your feelings are doing, inside of you or your spouse.  When you have no adequate words, just a little hug or gentle touch of a hand, can say a lot more than you know.  Most important, be happy, funny and most of all ROMANTIC! 

Thank you Dottie!

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