
Hello! Welcome to the North Creek Presbyterian Church MOPS Blog! A place to share words of encouragement, recipes ideas, book recommendations and more! Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to share on this blog, or any ideas you have! Just email mopsncpc@gmail.com.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Meet March's Mom of the Month, Melanie

Meet our Mom of the Month, Melanie.  She is a giving member of our MOPS who has a shining personality and warm heart.  She has a heart for Mary's Place and recently helped by organizing the Easter Egg stuffing at our last meeting.  Presenting Melanie, read on to get to know her a little bit...

Thank you for all of your efforts with Mary's Place.  How did you get started with helping Mary's Place? 
Kate was the Outreach coordinator the year before me (my first year at MOPS). She introduced us to Marty, the director of Mary's Place. When Marty spoke about Mary's Place, I knew I wanted to become the next Outreach coordinator. Marty is very inspiring and I was super excited to work with her.
What is your favorite part about helping the women and children of Mary's Place?
I emailed Marty to tell her we had 1200 Easter eggs and 65 buckets ready for the kids. This is her response email and it is my FAVORITE part of what we do!:
"Amazing! The Easter Bunny will be sure to find every boy and girl at our shelter! We love our MOPS moms! You insure that all moms regardless of their income, address, past or present circumstances look like a hero in their child's eyes. Thank you for lifting them up so nobody has to feel let down. You are the angels we prayed for.  Thank you for being the answer to our prayers,  the encouragement we needed and the love we hoped for. Thank you Melanie for bringing hope, renewing dreams and reminding us we are not alone! MARY'S PLACE LOVES YOU!!!" ...talk about tears of joy coming down my cheeks!
Are there any words that encourage you as a mother?
"It's bedtime!!" Oh wait, that's probably not what you meant! I like this simple quote about life and I try to live by it, "Smile more than you cry, give more than you take, and love more than you hate." We also have a mantra at our house, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
Who is your mentor?  Who do you admire?
I would have to say I admire my dad, John. He isn't my biological father but he adopted my sister, Genesis, and I when we were young. He and my mom divorced when I graduated from high school. John has always been there for my sister and I, no matter what. He has also helped raise my (awesome) step-mom's two girls. I mean, any man who is willing to raise four teenage girls deserves a medal! John is an amazing dad and grandfather!
If you could be any movie star, who would it be and why?
Christina Applegate!! I would love nothing more than to be Ron Burgandy's co-anchor, Veronica Corningstone, in "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy".  Although, a close second would be Robin Wright-Penn. I would equally love to play Buttercup in, "The Princess Bride". In any given week, I can usually find one or two conversations where a quote from either movie is relative! It's a gift!
What do you do to give yourself a mommy break? What relieves your stress?
I relieve stress by working out at the gym. I don't particularly like working out at the gym, but I do enjoy the results! I also volunteer at 'Homeward Pet Animal Rescue'. I LOVE my volunteer work at the shelter. You will either find me in the dog room cleaning kennels or you may spot me out and about in Woodinville walking all sizes and breeds of adoptable dogs! Helping these homeless dogs has become my passion.
What was your occupation prior to being a mother?
I was a waitress and bartender for over ten years. I was happy with my profession. Serving isn't for the faint of heart! I had a great job and I was making great money. During that time, I realized I had a good eye for photography. I have taken black and white film photography classes and I'm now working on going all digital. I bought myself a beautiful digital camera! I'll be honest, I'm terrified to use it! So far, I have taken it out of the box and put it into my camera bag. I've had it for about two months! I am good at what I do, but I think I'm afraid at failing, so I haven't even tried. I so desperately want to pick up this camera and start shooting. I will. I will.

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